Study of habit, habitat and economic importance of Fishes- Rohu, Catla,Mrigal,Pomphret.

Identification, Classification and Study of habit, habitat and economic importance of following Fishes- Rohu, Catla, Mrigal and Pomphret.

1)Rohu (Labeo rohita) :-
•Habit & Habitat :- Labeo rohita is commonly found in fresh water ponds, rivers, lakes & estuaries. It is herbivorous and bottom feeder feeding on Algae, aquatic plants. It frequently, Comes to water surface to take air into air bladder. Labeo is major carp distributed in plants of India except southern part.

•Identification Characters :-
1)Labeo rohita is commonly known as rohu in Hindi.
2)Body is elongated, spindle shaped with grey colour on back and silvery white of two sides and belly.
3)Adult once are 1 meter in length with
20-25 kg weight. 
4)Scales are large, orange to reddish in centre and cycloid type.
5)Body is divisible into head, trunk and tail.
6)Head is prominent with blunt snout.
7)Mouth is large transverse aperture bounded by thick and fleshy lips.
8)Trunk is thick, Lateral line is present on either side of trunk & tail.
9)Trunk bears single dorsal fin, pectoral fins & pelvic fin.
10)Tail is laterally compressed & has homocercal caudal fin.
11)Air bladder is large and divided into anterior and posterior fin.
12)It is economically important due to it's food value.

2)Catla (Catla catla):- 
•Habit & Habitat:- It is distributed throughout India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal & Thailand. It inhibits the surface layer of fresh water and found in krishna river. Catla is surface feeder feed on plankton, insects, vegetables debris, algae, crustaceans, etc.

•Identification Characters:-
1)Catla catla is largest Indian carp commonly known as katla in Hindi.
2)Body is deep, stout with broad snout, mouth is large provided with prominent lower lip and large gill apparatus.
3)The colour is greyish on dorsal side while silver on ventral side.
4)Dorsal profile is more convex in comparison to ventral one.
5)Scales pink in Centre of dorsal side and whitish below.
6)Eyes are large situated in anterior half of the head.
7)Dorsal fin is quite large. Caudal fin is bilobed.
8)Air bladder is large consist of two parts.
9)It is grown in polyculture system.
10)It is economically important as food-fish.

3)Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala):-
•Habit & Habitat - It is found in fresh water bodies like lakes and ponds, rivers. It is bottom feeder and feeds on green algae, decayed, vegetable and detritus. 'Mrigala' is distributed in river systems of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma.

•Identification Characters :-
1)C. mrigala is Commonly called mrigal
and is a fresh Water carp of India.
2)The body is elongated, compressed and measure about 66 cm with 1.4 to 2.8 kg in weight.
3)The body is silvery but dark grey along back.
5)The body is covered by large cycloid scales but absent on head.
6)The mouth is wide & lips are thin.
7)Snout is rounded.
8)2-4 barbels are small in fold of lip. 9)Pectoral, pelvic & anal fins are arrange with black tip.
10)Caudal fin is strongly forked.
11)Lateral line is clear.
12)Upper margin of body is concave particularly in posterior side.
13)Economically very important as tasty and delicious fish.

4)Pomphret (Pampus argenteus):-
•Habit & Habitat:- Pomphret are mainly Marine but few are estuariane and fresh water in habitat. Pomphrets are same famous in east, also known as "butter fishes" on account of their soft flesh and flavour, therefore highly priced food fish.

•Identification Characters :-
1)Body Oval and Compressed from side to side & Covered with thin, small scales.
2)Head is short & Compressed.
3)Snout is blunt, overhanging the mouth.
4)Eyes are large situated laterally in the middle region of head.
5)Jaws equal, lips thin.
6)Lateral line is smooth, indefinite.
7)Two dorsal fins continuous, first dorsal fin with 5 to 6 rudimentary spines.
8)Anal fin deeply forked with 32-42 rays.
9)Commercially very important food fish.

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