Temporary mounting of tissues

 Temporary mounting of tissues:

a] Medullated nerve fiber
b] Striated muscle fiber

a]Medullated nerve fiber:-

●It is also called as myelinated nerve fiber.
●Medullated nerve fiber is the one which has its axon surrounded by many cells i.e. schwann cells.
●They secrete insulating fatty layer around the nerve fiber which forms myelin sheath.
●Cranial nerves of vertebrates are of this types.
●Medullated nerve fiber are useful in conducting impulse at faster rate.

b]Striated muscle fiber:- 

●These are found attached to bones in head, trunk & limb region thus are also called skeletal muscles.
●Working of skeletal muscles is under the control of the will. hence, also known as voluntary muscles. Under light microscope these muscle shows presence of cross partitions in the form of light & dark bands. They also contain large no. of peripherally placed parallel to one another & are connected together by means of C.T to form small muscle bundles. Muscle fiber contains large no. of myofibrils within the sarcoplasm covered with thick membranous sheath. sarcolemma composed of lipoprotein. These fibrils marked by presence of distinct cross striations in the form of alternately arranged light & dark bands. so are called striated muscle fibers. Light bands are also called 'I' band Isotropic bands. They allow light to pass through & so appears light. A narrow dark region is called 'Z' line or krause's membrane above the 'I' band. Dark band or 'A'/ Anisotropic band does not allow light to pass through & so it appears dark. The dark band is interrupted by a narrow light line called the 'H' line or Hensen's line. A portion between two adjacent 'Z' lines is called sarcomere.

Temporary mounting of tissues:

a] Medullated nerve fiber
b] Striated muscle fiber

a]Medullated nerve fiber:-

●It is also called as myelinated nerve fiber.
●Medullated nerve fiber is the one which has its axon surrounded by many cells i.e. schwann cells.
●They secrete insulating fatty layer around the nerve fiber which forms myelin sheath.
●Cranial nerves of vertebrates are of this types.
●Medullated nerve fiber are useful in conducting impulse at faster rate.

b]Striated muscle fiber:- 

●These are found attached to bones in head, trunk & limb region thus are also called skeletal muscles.
●Working of skeletal muscles is under the control of the will. hence, also known as voluntary muscles. Under light microscope these muscle shows presence of cross partitions in the form of light & dark bands. They also contain large no. of peripherally placed parallel to one another & are connected together by means of C.T to form small muscle bundles. Muscle fiber contains large no. of myofibrils within the sarcoplasm covered with thick membranous sheath. sarcolemma composed of lipoprotein. These fibrils marked by presence of distinct cross striations in the form of alternately arranged light & dark bands. so are called striated muscle fibers. Light bands are also called 'I' band Isotropic bands. They allow light to pass through & so appears light. A narrow dark region is called 'Z' line or krause's membrane above the 'I' band. Dark band or 'A'/ Anisotropic band does not allow light to pass through & so it appears dark. The dark band is interrupted by a narrow light line called the 'H' line or Hensen's line. A portion between two adjacent 'Z' lines is called sarcomere.

Temporary mounting of tissues:

a] Medullated nerve fiber
b] Striated muscle fiber

a]Medullated nerve fiber:-

●It is also called as myelinated nerve fiber.
●Medullated nerve fiber is the one which has its axon surrounded by many cells i.e. schwann cells.
●They secrete insulating fatty layer around the nerve fiber which forms myelin sheath.
●Cranial nerves of vertebrates are of this types.
●Medullated nerve fiber are useful in conducting impulse at faster rate.

b]Striated muscle fiber:- 

●These are found attached to bones in head, trunk & limb region thus are also called skeletal muscles.
●Working of skeletal muscles is under the control of the will. hence, also known as voluntary muscles. Under light microscope these muscle shows presence of cross partitions in the form of light & dark bands. They also contain large no. of peripherally placed parallel to one another & are connected together by means of C.T to form small muscle bundles. Muscle fiber contains large no. of myofibrils within the sarcoplasm covered with thick membranous sheath. sarcolemma composed of lipoprotein. These fibrils marked by presence of distinct cross striations in the form of alternately arranged light & dark bands. so are called striated muscle fibers. Light bands are also called 'I' band Isotropic bands. They allow light to pass through & so appears light. A narrow dark region is called 'Z' line or krause's membrane above the 'I' band. Dark band or 'A'/ Anisotropic band does not allow light to pass through & so it appears dark. The dark band is interrupted by a narrow light line called the 'H' line or Hensen's line. A portion between two adjacent 'Z' lines is called sarcomere.

Temporary mounting of tissues:

a] Medullated nerve fiber
b] Striated muscle fiber

a]Medullated nerve fiber:-

●It is also called as myelinated nerve fiber.
●Medullated nerve fiber is the one which has its axon surrounded by many cells i.e. schwann cells.
●They secrete insulating fatty layer around the nerve fiber which forms myelin sheath.
●Cranial nerves of vertebrates are of this types.
●Medullated nerve fiber are useful in conducting impulse at faster rate.

b]Striated muscle fiber:- 

●These are found attached to bones in head, trunk & limb region thus are also called skeletal muscles.
●Working of skeletal muscles is under the control of the will. hence, also known as voluntary muscles. Under light microscope these muscle shows presence of cross partitions in the form of light & dark bands. They also contain large no. of peripherally placed parallel to one another & are connected together by means of C.T to form small muscle bundles. Muscle fiber contains large no. of myofibrils within the sarcoplasm covered with thick membranous sheath. sarcolemma composed of lipoprotein. These fibrils marked by presence of distinct cross striations in the form of alternately arranged light & dark bands. so are called striated muscle fibers. Light bands are also called 'I' band Isotropic bands. They allow light to pass through & so appears light. A narrow dark region is called 'Z' line or krause's membrane above the 'I' band. Dark band or 'A'/ Anisotropic band does not allow light to pass through & so it appears dark. The dark band is interrupted by a narrow light line called the 'H' line or Hensen's line. A portion between two adjacent 'Z' lines is called sarcomere.

Temporary mounting of tissues:

a] Medullated nerve fiber
b] Striated muscle fiber

a]Medullated nerve fiber:-

●It is also called as myelinated nerve fiber.
●Medullated nerve fiber is the one which has its axon surrounded by many cells i.e. schwann cells.
●They secrete insulating fatty layer around the nerve fiber which forms myelin sheath.
●Cranial nerves of vertebrates are of this types.
●Medullated nerve fiber are useful in conducting impulse at faster rate.

b]Striated muscle fiber:- 

●These are found attached to bones in head, trunk & limb region thus are also called skeletal muscles.
●Working of skeletal muscles is under the control of the will. hence, also known as voluntary muscles. Under light microscope these muscle shows presence of cross partitions in the form of light & dark bands. They also contain large no. of peripherally placed parallel to one another & are connected together by means of C.T to form small muscle bundles. Muscle fiber contains large no. of myofibrils within the sarcoplasm covered with thick membranous sheath. sarcolemma composed of lipoprotein. These fibrils marked by presence of distinct cross striations in the form of alternately arranged light & dark bands. so are called striated muscle fibers. Light bands are also called 'I' band Isotropic bands. They allow light to pass through & so appears light. A narrow dark region is called 'Z' line or krause's membrane above the 'I' band. Dark band or 'A'/ Anisotropic band does not allow light to pass through & so it appears dark. The dark band is interrupted by a narrow light line called the 'H' line or Hensen's line. A portion between two adjacent 'Z' lines is called sarcomere.

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