Histological Classification of Placenta || Syndesmo-chorial placenta

Syndesmo-chorial placenta

        The Syndesmo-chorial placenta is slight modified form of what has been explained above.
        Here, the contact between the two tissues is deeper. Chorionic villi occupy deep pits in the uterine mucosa. Some time there is developed intimate contact between the elevated portions of the uterine mucosa and the chorionic ectoderm. 
        The uterine epithelium at such places is destructed and a direct contact between the foetal tissue and the vascular maternal tissue is developed. This type of placenta is called Syndesmo-chorial and is met with in ruminants. After the gestation is over, the chorionic villi are withdrawn and so no maternal tissue is torn with. Moreover, there is no bleeding.

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