To study the classification of Class : Aves, Sparrow, Crow, Parrot, Wood pecker.

Title:- To study the classification with reasons of the following:-
Class : Aves, Sparrow, Crow, Parrot and woodpecker

General characters of class Aves :-
1)Body is boat-shaped and divisible into Head, neck and tail.
2)Skin is thin and dry, except oil glands on tail.
3)Beak claws have horny sheath. Teeth are absent.
4)Endoskeleton is fully ossified but they are delicate and light due to air cavities and sacs of Spongy nature.
5)There are two pairs of limbs. Forelimbs are modified into wings for flight and bear three digits each. Hind limbs are large, strong.
6)Mouth has a wide gap. Alimentary canal leads into a cloaca. Stomach is divided into proventriculus and gizzard.
7)Lungs are spongy and non-distensible.
8)Heart is four chambered, no sinus venosus and trunchus arteriosus, only right systematic arch is Present.
9)Brain is large, olfactory lobes are reduced. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
10)Eyes are well developed with large pecten.
11)Kidneys are metanephric and three lobed.
12)Sexes are separate. Fertilization is internal.
13)All birds are oviparous.
14)Birds are homiothermic animals.

1)Passer (House Sparrow) :-
Phylum : Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits are present. Group : Craniata - Cranium with brain.
Subphylum : Vertebrata - Vertebral column Present.
Division : Gnathostomata - Jaws are present.
Class : Aves - Warm blooded, exoskeleton of feathers, forelimbs are modified into wings, horny beak, heart four chambered, oviparous, embryo with amnion, allantois and yolk sac.
Order : Passeriformes - Toes three in front and one behind; adapted for Perching; beak for cutting.
Genus : Passer
Species : domesticus

2)Corvus (Crow) :-
Phylum : Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill-slits are present.
Group : Craniata - Cranium with brain.
Subphylum : Vertebrata - Vertebral column Present.
Division : Gnathostomata - Jaws are present.
Class : Aves - Warm blooded, exoskeleton of feathers, forelimbs are modified into wings, horny beak, heart four chambered, oviparous, embryo with amnion, allantois and yolk sac.
Order : Passeriformes - Toes three infront and one behind; adapted for perching; beak are adopted for cuting.
Genus : Corvus
Species : splendens

3)Psittacula (Parrot) :-
Phylum : Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve chord, notochord and gill-slits are present. Group : Craniata - Cranium with brain.
Subphylum : Vertebrata - Vertebral column present.
Division : Gnathostomata - Jaws are present.
Class : Aves - Warm blooded, exoskeleton of feathers, forelimbs are modified into wings, horny beak, heart four chambered, oviparous, embryo with amnion, allantois and yolk sac.
Order : Psittaciformes - Feathers are green, yellow or red; beak Stout, sharp edged and hooked on the tip: feet zygodactylus (ie. two toes infront and two toes directed backwardly)
Genus : Psittacula
Species : krameri

4)Dinopium (Woodpecker) :-
Phylum : Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notocord and gill-slits are present. Group : Craniata - Cranium with brain. Subphylum : Vertebrata - Vertebral column Present.
Division : Gnathostomata - Jaws are present.
Class : Aves - Warm blooded, exoskeleton of feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, horny beak, heart four Chambered, embryo with amnion, allantois and yolksac, oviparous.
Order : Piciformes - Tail feathers stiff with pointed tips; beak stout, tounge is protrusible; two toes in front and two toes behind.
Genus : Dinopium
Species : benghalense

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