To study the classification of Class Reptilia

Title :- To study the classification with reasons of the Class : Reptilia - Cobra, Garden, Lizard, Turtle, Rat Snake and Draco.

General characters of class Reptilia :- 
1)The reptiles are predominantly terrestrial, creeping or borrowing animals, some are aquatic, tetrapodal vertebrates.
2)They are mostly Carnivorous, air breathing and cold blooded.
3)Body is bilaterally symmetrical and  divisible into four regions head, neck, trunk and tail.
4)Generally, body is covered by exoskeleton of dry epidermal horny scales, Shields, plates and scutes.
5)Endoskeleton is completely bony. Skull with one occipital condyle.
6)They possess two pairs of limbs, pentadactyle digits are provided with horny claws.
7)Skin is dry, Cornified and without glands. 8)The position of mouth is terminal, jaws with simple conical teeth.
9)Reptiles usually show three chambered heart, but crocodiles are exception which have four chambered heart.
10)Two systematic arches are present.
11)Lungs are well developed for respiration.
12)Reptiles show metanephric kidney and excretion is uricotelic.
13)Nervous system is well developed and there are 12 cranial nerves.
14)Typical cloaca is present.
15)Reptiles do not show parental care.

1)Indian Cobra (Nag) :-
Phylum: Chordata - Presence of nervecord, notochord and gill slits.
Group: Craniata - Cranium (brain box) with brain.
Sub-phylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column is present.
Division: Gnathostomata - Paired appendages and jaws are present.
Class: Reptilia - Cold blooded, terrestrial, single occipital condyle, 12 pairs nerves, vertebrae gastrocentrous.
Order: Squamata - Body covered with horny epidermal scales, teeth are Pleurodant, cloacal opening transverse, male possesses a pair of eversible copulatory organs.
Family: Elapidae
Genus: Naja
Species: naja

2)Calotes (Garden Lizard) :-
Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill slits, present. Group: Craniata - Cranium with brain. 
Sub-phylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column present.
Division: Gnathostomata - Jaws and paired appendages are present.
Class: Reptilia - Cold blooded, terrestrial,
single occipital condyle, vertebrae gastro-centrous, respiration by lungs, heart with two auricles and incompletely divided ventricle, embryo with amnion and allantois.
Order: Squamata - Body covered with horny scales, single supra- temporal vacuity, teeth Pleurodont, vertebrae are procelous, cloacal aperture is transverse, male have a pair of eversible copulatory organ.
Genus: Calotes
Species: versicolor

3)Chelone (Turtle) :-
Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve chord, notochord, and gill-slits are present.
Group: Craniata - Cranium with brain.
Sub-phylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column is present.
Superclass: Gnathostomata - Jaws and paired appendages are present.
Class: Reptilia - Scaly vertebrates, single occipital condyle, pulmonary respiration, heart with two auricles & one incompletely divided ventricle, 12 pairs of cranial nerves. Embryo with amnion and allantois. 
Sub-class: Anapsida - Primitive reptiles, skull with solid roof. Body enclosed in carapace and plastron.
Order: Chelonia - Tail short, teeth absent, thoracic vertebrae and usually fused with the carapace.
Genus: Chelone
Species: mydas

4)Zamenis (Rat Snake) :-
Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill slits present.
Group: Craniata - Cranium with brain.
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column present.
Division: Gnathostomata - jaws and paired appendages are present.
Class: Reptilia - Cold blooded, terestrial, single occipital condyle, 12 pairs nerves. vertebrae gastrocentrous.
Order: Squamata - Body covered with horny epidermal scales, teeth are pleurodant, cloacal opening transverse, male possess a pair of eversible copulatory organ.
Family: Colubridae
Genus: Zamenis (ptyas)
Species: mucosus

5)Draco (Flying Lizard) :-
Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, Notochord and gill slits are present.
Group: Craniata - Definite head, cranium with brain.
Superclass: Gnathostomata - Jaws and paired with right and left aortic arches. single condyle, Respiration by lungs. Embryo with amnion and allantois.
Order: Squamata - Lizards and Snakes with horny epidermal scales and shields. Anal opening transverse, Procelous vertebrae.
Genus: Draco
Species: volans

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