To Study maintenance of fish Aquarium

Title :- To study Maintenance of fish Aquarium.
        Small fishes are controlled and  maintained in a small tank either in personal house or in laboratory. It's purpose may be commercial, decorative, hobby or Scientific Studies. The tank (rectangular), partly filled with water should be equiped with thermostat heater, a reflector and some sort of vegetations. These are basic requirements of an aquarium. For ideal aquarium following should be considered while setting aquarium.

1)Tank :- It is rectangular and have slate glass at bottom with side of thick glass set in an angle iron/aluminium frame work. The glass are held with special aquarium Cement or 36" x 12" X 15".
        Fine gravel is mixed with sand and spread over the floor of tank. The tank should have tank cover with 60 watt electric lamp. The aquarium may placed on a table near a window. 

2)The Aquatic plants for Aquarium :-Some sort of vegetation is essential for the aquarium, which produce and provide oxygen for fishes. Following are some important plants used for aquarium setting.
i)Fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana)
ii)Tape grass (Vallisneria americana) iii)Sagittaria (Sagittaria gigantea) iv)Hygrophila (Hygrophila polysperma)

3)Aquarium Fishes :- Generally, small sized fishes are selected for aquarium. Both live bearers and egg laying fishes are kept in the aquarium. For example, 

i)Lebistes reticulatus. (Guppy)
ii)Gamburia affinis
iii)Betta splendens
iv)Colisa latia
v)Pterophylum eimeki (Angle fish)
vi)Barbus ticto
vii)Gold fishes and other fishes.

4)Thermometer :- It is required to check water temperature.

5)The aerator :- It is electrically operated. It can Pump a continuous stream of bubbles through water of the aquarium. The bubbles produce the movement of water from the bottom towards the top and thus the water gets oxygenated when it Contacts with atmospheric air.

6)Feeding net :-
        It is made up of plastic and floats on the water surface. It is used for feeding micro-organisms and dried foods.

7)Steel wool :- It is used to clean and dear the glass of aquarium.

8)Electric Heater :-
       It is made up of an element perfectly set in glass tube and is thermostatically controlled. The heater is usually set at a temperature of 72°F. Its functions automatically.

9)Live food :- 
            In addition to dried, and aquatic vegetation. Live food is also give to aquarium fishes which include daphnia, tubifex, infusoria, mosquito larvae, earthworms, brine shrimps, microworms, etc.

10)The pH :- 
          The PH of aquatium water should be maintained. i.e. for the inland fishes it is 7 and for marine fishes pH 8 is suitable.

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